Episode 66

Published on:

26th Aug 2022

Housing Recession is Here, RIP Volker & Yabba Dabba Doo!

Despite what internet sources such as Keeping Current Matters claim, Fitch Ratings is reporting that the odds of a severe housing downturn have risen, while US home prices could sink as much as 15%, more or less in line with what Chris has been suggesting for some time, based on the available data.

In today's episode of The Higher Standard, Chris and his co-host offer their usual mix of opinion and insight to cut through the noise and give you a slightly clearer view on the economy and the world.

They discuss the recent report by Fitch Ratings Inc., a credit rating agency and one of the "big three" in the United States, along with Standard & Poors and Moody's.

Chris shares his thoughts on a recent National Association of Homebuilders survey that shows that  a lot of homebuilders are lowering prices, on average, by about 5%. This is not only to get more buyers in the door, but also to slow cancellations.

They also discuss the strange disconnect between many of the social media outlets, such as Keeping Current Matters, claiming that housing is fine, while the National Association of Realtors is stating that their specific industry is in a recession.

This is a show you do not want to miss! Join Chris for this fascinating conversation.


What You’ll Learn in this Show:

  • The Fitch Ratings report that appears to be proving Chris' pasty comments to be more or less correct.
  • A National Association of Homebuilders survey that shows that homebuilders are lowering prices in order to slow cancellations.
  • The mixed messages being offered by social media outlets, which seem to dispute the opinions of organizations and people actually in the industry itself.
  • And so much more...

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About the Podcast

The Higher Standard
This isn’t a different standard, it’s the higher standard.
Welcome to the Higher Standard Podcast, where we give you ultra-premium, unfiltered truth when it comes to building your wealth and curating the lifestyle of your dreams. Your host; Chris Naghibi is here to help you distill the immense amount of information and disinformation out there on the interwebs and give you the opportunity to choose a higher standard for yourself. Sit back, relax your mind and get ready for a different kind of podcast where we elevate your baseline with crispy high-resolution audio. This isn't a different standard. It's the higher standard.

Follow Chris here as he posts daily: https://www.instagram.com/chrisnaghibi

About your host

Profile picture for Christopher Naghibi

Christopher Naghibi

Christopher M. Naghibi is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Black Crown Inc. and Black Crown Law APC, a disruptive collective of attorneys, property managers, real estate agents and contractors who handle home sales and purchases, commercial and multifamily real estate brokerage, primarily for high net-worth and celebrity clients.

His team has over 20 years of experience, 1000+ satisfied clients, $10 million in recovered costs for clients, and in excess of $20 billion dollars in closed transactions.

As a licensed attorney, real estate broker, general contractor, and now Top 100 podcast host, Chris aims to provide free financial education that allows people to take control and democratize fear in the financial world.